Name of Crop and Disease: | Product Measurement: | Usage Description: |
Tomatoes | No information |
Potatoes | 50 g product – 10 l water |
Peaches, Apricots and Plums | 40 g or 50 g product – 10 l water for bacterial canker, gum spot (on peaches and apricots), bacterial spot (on peaches); or
10 g or 50 g product – 10 l water for bacterial spot on plums; or 20 g product – 10 l water for post harvest treatment; or 40 g or 50 g product – 10 l water for 75 % leaf drop; or 10 g product – 10 l water for 90 – 100 % petal drop; or 50 g product – 10 l water for leaf curl on peaches |
Apples and Pears | 25 g product – 10 l water for scabs |
Flowers and Ornamentals | 50 g product – 10 l water for leafspot, downy mildew and rust |
Grape vines | 50 g product – 10 l water for anthracnose |
Bacterial Blight | 50 g product – 10 l water for bacterial blight |
Downy Mildew | 50 g product – 10 l water for pre-blossom |
Dead Arm | 40 g – 50 g product – 10l water for dead arm |
Roses | 30 g product – 10 l water for black spot |
Strawberries | 25 g product – 10 l water for leaf spot |
Beans | 40 g product – 10 l water for bacterial blight |
Crucifers Bacterial Spot | 40 g product – 10 l water for crucifers bacterial spot |
Downy mildew | 40 g product – 10 l water for downy mildew |
Cucurbits Downy Mildew | 30 g product – 10 l water for cucurbits downy mildew |
Seedbed treatment (All crops) | 25 g product – 10 l water for seedling blight and other soil borne diseases |
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