Mixing Instructions
- Add the required quantity of the concentrate to the water and stir thoroughly
- Do not allow spray mixture to stand for any length of time before using
- Do not use brackish water
- Crops & Pest/ Conifers/ Italian cypress aphid (Cinara cupressivora)
- Recommended dosage
- Trees less than 2 m tall: 20 ml/ l water / tree
- Trees between 2 and 2,5 m tall: 40 ml/2 l water / tree
- Trees between 2,5 and 3 m tall: 80 ml/4 l water / tree
- Trees taller than 3 m: 150 ml/8 l water / tree
- Method of Application: Preventive or corrective treatments can be applied
- Yearly preventive treatments are recommended to avoid die-back of trees due to aphid infestations.
- Preventive: Start treatment during April to May to prevent aphid attacks. Apply as a drench around the stem base of each tree. Repeat after approximately two months.
- Corrective: Apply as a soil drench around the stem base of each tree when first signs of infestation are noticed. Repeat after approximately two months.
- Recommended dosage
- Roses/Aphids
- Recommended dosage
- Aphids 20 ml/ l water / rose bush
- Method of Application: Apply as a soil drench around the stems of the rose bushes when first signs of aphids are noticed. Repeat application after approximately two months.
- Recommended dosage
- Roses/ scale insects
- Recommended dosage
- 10 ml/ l water / rose bush
- Method of application: Apply as a soil drench around the stems of the rose bushes when first signs of scale insects are noticed
- Repeat application after approximately two months
- Recommended dosage
- Crop and Pests / Low growing ornamental plants and ground covers
- Method Application: Use a watering can and apply 5 l mixture per m² as a soil drench
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