Wild Radish

Wild Radish

Raphanus raphanistrum

Other Common Names:

Wild Radish, White Charlock, Jointed Charlock

Weed Type:

Annual Weed


White, yellow or lilac flowers, strong tap root

Control Methods:

Spraying with herbicide

Active Ingredient / Herbicides:

2,4-D (e.g., Turfweeder) MCPA (e.g., Banweed) Dicamba (e.g., Dicamba 500 EC)

About this weed

Raphanus raphanistrum, also known as Wild Radish, White Charlock, or Jointed Charlock, is a common weed in South Africa.
In South Africa, its stems can be striate or angled, and have short, stiff hairs, especially at the base. The leaves are rough, alternate, and lower deeply lobed with a much enlarged terminal segment.
Raphanus raphanistrum is a flowering plant in the family Brassicaceae. It is a weed of winter cereals, legumes, and vegetables.

3 Vendors

Weed Control Chemicals / Herbicides





Dicamba 500 EC


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