Wild Mustard

Wild Mustard

Rapistrum rugosum

Other Common Names:

Field Mustard, Wild Mustard

Weed Type:

Annual Weed


Small yellow flowers

Control Methods:

Hoeing & Spraying with herbicide

Active Ingredient / Herbicides:

2,4-D (e.g., Turfweeder) MCPA (e.g., Banweed) Dicamba (e.g., Dicamba 500 EC)

About this weed

Rapistrum rugosum, also known as Wild Mustard, or Field Mustard is on the red list of weeds in South Africa.
It is a flowering plant that is part of the mustard family.
Wild Mustard is also known as annual bastardcabbage, common giant mustard, or turnipweed.
It is native to Eurasia and parts of Africa, but is present worldwide as an introduced species and a common weed.
Rapistrum rugosum has three subspecies, which are distinguished by the shape of the silique, rugosity, and prominence of ribs.

3 Vendors

Weed Control Chemicals / Herbicides





Dicamba 500 EC


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