Tropical Richardia
Richardia Braziliensis
Other Common Names:
African Violet Lily, Tropical Mexican CloverWeed Type:
Perennial WeedCharacteristics:
Prostrate with many branches, light green leaves, white flowers, tap rootsControl Methods:
Hoeing, Manual removal, Prevent seedingActive Ingredient / Herbicides:
2,4-D (e.g., Turfweeder) MCPA (e.g., Banweed) Dicamba (e.g., Dicamba 500 EC)About this weed
Richardia brasiliensis, also known as Tropical Mexican Clover, is a tropical plant native to Central and South America that has spread to many countries in the tropics and subtropics. It was first recorded in southern Africa in 1863.
Richardia brasiliensis is a nuisance in lawns and gardens, and has also invaded and replaced native vegetation. It is also a crop seed contaminant in South Africa.
Richardia brasiliensis has branching stems that grow up to 40 centimeters long and lie prostrate or grow upright. The oppositely arranged leaves are oval with pointed or rounded tips. They are up to 6.5 centimeters long. The inflorescence is a cluster of up to 20 flowers, or sometimes more.
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