Three-cornered Jack

Three-cornered Jack

Emex australis

Other Common Names:

Spiny Emex, Three-cornered Jack, Double Gee, Cat's Head

Weed Type:

Annual Weed


Prostrate annual, light green leaves, woody thorns

Control Methods:

Hoeing & Spraying with herbicide

Active Ingredient / Herbicides:

2,4-D (e.g., Turfweeder) MCPA (e.g., Banweed) Dicamba (e.g., Dicamba 500 EC)

About this weed

Emex australis is a widespread and common weed in South Africa and Namibia.
It is also known as Spiny Emex, Three-cornered Jack, Double Gee, and Cat’s Head.
It is a serious weed in South Africa, where it can be found in wheat, other cereals, and vineyards.
The spiny fruits are structured so that a spine is always pointing up, which aids in dispersal.
However, the spines may cripple animals and injure barefoot humans.
Emex australis is an annual herb that spreads horizontally with the ends growing upward.

3 Vendors

Weed Control Chemicals / Herbicides





Dicamba 500 EC


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