

Datura ferox

Other Common Names:

Olieboom, Thorn Apple, Groot Stinkblaar

Weed Type:

Annual Weed


Poisonous, fleshy stems, large leaves, white flowers, spiky seedpods

Control Methods:

Hoeing & Manual Weeding

Active Ingredient / Herbicides:

2,4-D (e.g., Turfweeder)

About this weed

Datura ferox, also known as the fierce thorn apple, is a species of Datura. It is also known as the long spined thorn apple, Angel’s-trumpets, and is commonly called the “Olieboom” or “Thorn apple” in South Africa.
It is a large-leaved, poisonous annual plant that has a characteristic oily smell and spiny fruit capsules. It can thrive after flooding, especially in sites enriched by manure or vegetation clearing.
Datura ferox reproduces through seed and can be spread as a contaminant of crop seeds/grains. It can be distinguished from Datura stramonium by its shorter flower (4-6 cm long) and its fruit which has about 40-60 spines of variable length.

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