Dallas Grass
Paspalum dilatatum
Other Common Names:
Bankrot Kweek, Breësaad Gras, DallisgrassWeed Type:
Perennial WeedCharacteristics:
Robust, stoloniferous grass with broad, hairy leaves and dense seed heads.Control Methods:
Hoeing, Manual Removal, ChemicalActive Ingredient / Herbicides:
Glyphosate (e.g., Roundup) MCPA (e.g., Banweed)About this weed
Paspalum dilatatum, also known as Dallisgrass, Dallas grass, or sticky heads.
Dallisgrass is a moderately-sized grass, usually about 1 meter tall, with narrow leaves and large flower spikelets. It has a clump-type growth habit and can grow well with other grasses and legumes. It can also persist under heavy grazing.
Dallisgrass is a common weed and can be an invasive pest in some areas due to its rapid growth and spreading rhizomes. It can become sod-bound quickly and can be renovated through ploughing, disc-harrowing, or deep ripping.
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Weed Control Chemicals / Herbicides
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