Botrytis Rot Disease

Botrytis Rot

Botrytis Rot

Affected Plants:

Strawberries, Guavas, Grapes, Tomatoes, Gladioli

Symptoms & Effects:

Fungal grey fuzz following brown or wet-looking patches.

Control Method:


Chemical Fungicide Treatment:

Benomyl (3-21 days), Imazalil (1 day)

About this disease

Botrytis Rot: A Shadow Over Flowers and Fruits

Botrytis rot, also known as grey mould, is a fungal disease that casts a fuzzy shadow over a wide range of plants, particularly grapes, strawberries, roses, and other fruits and flowers. Let’s unveil its secrets and equip you with the knowledge to keep your garden vibrant and thriving:

Unmasking the Fuzzy Foe:

  • Fruit and flowers: The first sign is often the development of soft, brown, sunken spots on fruit or flowers. These areas quickly enlarge and develop a characteristic greyish-brown, fuzzy mould.
  • Stems and leaves: In advanced stages, the mould can spread to stems and leaves, causing them to wilt and decay.
  • Odour: A distinctive sweet, fermented odour often accompanies botrytis rot, especially on affected fruits.

South African and Afrikaans Names:

  • Afrikaans: Grysverrotting
  • English: Botrytis rot, Grey mold

Why it’s a Disease:

Botrytis rot weakens and decomposes plant tissues, reducing yields and impacting the quality of fruits and flowers. The affected areas become inedible and unsightly, leading to significant losses for farmers and gardeners. The fungus survives in plant debris and can spread quickly under cool, humid conditions.

Combating the Fuzzy Fog:

  • Prevention is key:
    • Choose resistant plant varieties whenever possible.
    • Ensure good air circulation around plants by avoiding overcrowding.
    • Practice good sanitation, removing and destroying infected plant material promptly.
    • Avoid overhead watering that keeps leaves and fruit wet.
    • Harvest fruits and flowers before they are fully ripe to minimize risk of infection.
  • Fungicides: If prevention fails, fungicides can offer protection. Opt for targeted fungicides specific to botrytis rot, following label instructions carefully.
  • Natural alternatives: Neem oil, potassium bicarbonate, and biocontrol agents like Trichoderma fungi offer eco-friendly options for mild infections.

Additional Tips:

  • Monitor your plants regularly, especially during periods of cool, humid weather when botrytis rot thrives.
  • Rotate crops to reduce soil-borne fungal inoculum.
  • Be mindful of injuries on fruits and flowers, as they can create entry points for the fungus.
  • Don’t lose hope! Botrytis rot can be managed with a proactive approach and timely intervention.

Remember, a vigilant and informed approach is your best weapon against botrytis rot. By understanding its characteristics, practising good hygiene, and employing preventative methods, you can create a garden where your plants can flourish, leaving no room for this fuzzy foe.

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